Esteem Don’t you hate to see your child being picked on? There is nothing worse than seeing your child come home not feeling good about themselves, and believing the things that the bullies say. The Esteem blend will help them to grow their resilience and take no notice of the things those bullies are saying.
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Flower Essences in this blend:
Alpine Lily – is helpful for both men and women wishing to integrate the feminine aspect of their personality. It is useful when negative feelings exist towards body and self-image.
Buttercup – is useful when self-criticism and self-doubt are experienced. Buttercup gives a sense of self appreciation and honour for one’s self, accepting who we are.
Cerato – strengthens our intuition, self confidence and trust of our inner knowledge. Useful when over-dependent on the advice and opinions of others which leads to feelings of uncertainty.
Crab Apple – Helps when shame for the physical body is experienced and one becomes obsessed and preoccupied with their perceived imperfections. Crab apple helps clear negative thoughts of self.
Pretty Face – this essence stimulates a positive shift in self-image, enabling self-acceptance, and then our inner beauty shines.
Sunflower – brings a brightness and lightness which enables appreciation of one’s individual differences giving us strength and self-confidence. Sunflower brings boldness and confidence.