

You have a child leaving home for the first time, they are worried about the future and you are wondering what your life is going to look like without them at home.  The Change Blend is going to be perfect for both of you in adjusting to the new circumstances and the uncertainty that goes along with those changes. 

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Flower Essences in this blend:

California Poppy – those needing this essence may find they avoid or use distractions to put off doing things till another day.

Cayenne – this essence is a catalyst firing up enthusiasm and inspiring transformation. It is great when feeling sluggish, stagnant or struggling to move forward and lacking direction.

Chestnut Bud – helps break free of repetitive and habitual patterns that hinder our true desires and potential.

Morning Glory – this essence helps balance body patterns and energy. It helps if we are stuck in destructive or addictive habits.

Nicotiana – is indicated for very sensitive people who cope with their feelings and life situations by hardening and numbing feelings to avoid emotions.

Walnut – this essence is valuable for all life transitions including birth, death, moving, career changes and the ending and beginning of relationships.  It provides inner strength.

SKU: 10000-1 TAGS: Uncertainity & Changes, flower essence, bach flower

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